Foundations for creating and maintaining deployments

Do you want to get started? We’ll go through the steps of developing a deployment with batou. The steps are built on top of each other, so if you have trouble with a specific step, it might help to review what happened earlier.

Create a new project

Deployments with batou are placed in a new directory. For this tutorial we will assume that you’re using git as your version control system. Feel feel free to follow along using Mercurial – batou can handle both.

$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ git init
$ curl -sL | sh
$ git commit -m "Start a batou project."

The project is now initialized and batou is ready to be used.

Writing a component configuration

Once you bootstrapped your batou project you start modelling your configuration. This is done by creating a directory in the components directory and a file in there. You can use those sub- directories to group together things that belong to each component:

$ cd myproject
$ mkdir -p components/myapp

In components/myapp/ put the following to manage a very simple application:

components/myapp/ (v1)
from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    def configure(self):
        self += File(
            mode="rwxr-xr-x", # note: you can also pass an octal number, e.g. 0o755
while true; do
  sleep 1

The component has a configure method that is used to build a model of your configuration as a tree of components. By using the syntax self += File(...) you add a File component as a sub-component to your Tick component. Components can thus recursively combine configurations into larger, more complex setups.

The order of sub-components is given by the order they are added to their parent.

Local environments

Now, to deploy this “application” we can specify a local environment to deploy directly on the machine you are working on:

$ mkdir environments

Put the following in environments/local/environment.cfg to specify a local configuration that will deploy the “Tick” component:

environments/local/environment.cfg (v1)
connect_method = local

localhost = tick

Your project now looks like this:

$ tree
├── batou
├── components
│   └── myapp
│       └──
└── environments
    └── local
        └── environment.cfg

You can now deploy this environment:

$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
============================== Preparing ===============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
======================= Configuring first host =========================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
===================== Connecting remaining hosts =======================
============================== Deploying ===============================
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Presence(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Mode(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
========================= DEPLOYMENT FINISHED ==========================

When deploying, batou creates a working directory for each component. Your project directory now looks like this:

$ tree
├── batou
├── components
│   └── myapp
│       └──
├── environments
│   └── local
│       └── environment.cfg
└── work
    └── tick

The application has been copied over to the work directory and the mode has been set. We can now use it:

$ ./work/tick/
Thu Jan 28 21:47:58 CET 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:47:59 CET 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:48:00 CET 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:48:01 CET 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:48:02 CET 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:48:03 CET 2016

When running the deployment again, you see that batou knows what has been deployed and that no action is necessary:

$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
============================== Preparing ===============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
======================= Configuring first host =========================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
===================== Connecting remaining hosts =======================
============================== Deploying ===============================
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
========================= DEPLOYMENT FINISHED ==========================


Things in the work directory are generated or data from your application – you should thus add the work directory to your version control systems’ ignore file.

Vagrant environments

If you would like to deploy a more complex application, that may involve a webserver, databases, and other auxiliary services, you may prefer to deploy into a virtual machine, instead of deploying those to your local work environment.

For this, batou supports Vagrant. Once you have Vagrant (and VirtualBox) installed, place a Vagrantfile directory in your batou project:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

required_plugins = %w( vagrant-nixos-plugin )
required_plugins.each do |plugin|
      abort("Plugin required: vagrant plugin install #{plugin}") unless Vagrant.has_plugin? plugin

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "flyingcircus/nixos-19.03-dev-x86_64"
  config.vm.box_version = "= 471.427aac1" "private_network", ip: ""

Now, we add a second environment that uses Vagrant to connect and rsync to ensure that our batou project gets synced. The user we want to deploy to in a vagrant box is vagrant and we specify that as the service user. The machine in our Vagrant file is “default”, so we use that as the hostname:

connect_method = vagrant
update_method = rsync
service_user = vagrant

default = tick

The deployment is invoked similar to the local deployment. Getting the vagrant machine up and running may take a while, though:

$ ./batou deploy vagrant
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `vagrant`...
main: Verifying repository ...
     You are using rsync. This is a non-verifying repository --
     continuing on your own risk!
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
vagrant: Ensuring machines are up ...
default: Connecting via vagrant (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
default: Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Presence(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Mode(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

Now, the tick component has been deployed on the virtual machine. We can connect there and see that the same structure has been deployed as previously for our local environment. batou places deployments in the service user’s home directory in a directory named deployment by default:

$ vagrant ssh
[vagrant@nixos:~]$ tree
└── deployment
    ├── batou
    ├── components
    │   └── myapp
    │       └──
    ├── environments
    │   ├── local
    │   │   └── environment.cfg
    │   └── vagrant
    │       └── environment.cfg
    ├── Vagrantfile
    └── work
        └── tick
[vagrant@nixos:~]$ ./deployment/work/tick/
Thu Jan 28 21:02:31 UTC 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:02:32 UTC 2016
Thu Jan 28 21:02:33 UTC 2016

Similarly, you can deploy into VMs that were set up by the test kitchen integration testing tool:

  name: vagrant

  - name: ubuntu-16.04

  - name: tick
connect_method = kitchen
update_method = rsync
service_user = vagrant

tick-ubuntu-1604 = tick
$ ./batou deploy kitchen

Remote environments

To deploy your application into a production environment you will typically use SSH to log in to the remote servers. This works similar to Vagrant environments. To try this out, you will have to replace the host name you see here, with a host that you have access to.


Make sure that the few but important installation requirements requirements for remote hosts are satisfied!

Let’s add a third environment that uses SSH to connect and rsync to ensure that our batou project gets synced. We do not specify the user to deploy to, which means batou will use whatever your SSH configuration is set up to use. To save some typing (and for some other features) we specify a domain name that should be appended to all hosts.

Here’s the full environment configuration:

environments/production/environment.cfg (v2)
connect_method = ssh
update_method = rsync
host_domain =

test01 = tick

Now, to deploy to the remote host:

$ ./batou deploy production
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
     You are using rsync. This is a non-verifying repository --
     continuing on your own risk!
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================ Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Presence(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Mode(work/tick/
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

Overriding configuration per environment

Every environment is currently deploying the same configuration of our application. It often is necessary to customize applications based on the environment: either your setup is larger or smaller, or you are using a different web address to access it, or …

To make a component configurable, we add an attribute to the component class:

components/myapp/ (v2)
from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    sleep = Attribute(int, 1)

    def configure(self):
        self += File(
while true; do
  sleep {}

Attributes are specified with a conversion function or type, to help batou convert them from strings. The second argument given is the default that will be used when attribute is not specified explicitly otherwise. The attribute can then be accessed as usual during the configure method and include this in our application configuration.

To adjust the application for the development environment, we add a new section [component:tick] to the configuration:

environments/local/environment.cfg (v2)
connect_method = local

localhost = tick

sleep = 10

Now, let’s deploy this:

$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

$ cat work/tick/
while true; do
  sleep 10

$ ./work/tick/
Fri Jan 29 09:44:18 CET 2016
Fri Jan 29 09:44:28 CET 2016

Now, our model specific the default configuration and environment-specific overrides allow us to document variations between environments easily.

Templating from files

Currently our application configuration has been written directly in Python code. This quickly becomes unwieldy. File components can be used to pull their content from files by specifying the source parameter. The filename is relative to the directory that the is placed in:

components/myapp/ (v3)
from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    sleep = Attribute(int, 1)

    def configure(self):
        self += File(

Also, templating with Python format strings is very limited. batou thus includes Jinja2 templating, which is enabled by default for all content (independent of whether you specify the content inline or in a separate file).

components/myapp/ (v1)
while true; do
  sleep {{component.sleep}}

As a simplification, you can leave out the source parameter if the filename of your template is identical to the name you want it to be in the work directory:

components/myapp/ (v4)
from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    sleep = Attribute(int, 1)

    def configure(self):
        self += File('', mode="rwxr-xr-x")

To disable templating and encoding handling, you can use the BinaryFile component:

from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.file import BinaryFile

class Example(Component):

    def configure(self):
        self += BinaryFile('')

Storing secrets as encrypted overrides

To deploy services we need to move secret data, like database passwords, third party API tokens, SSL certificates, SSH keys, etc. to the target environment. Simply adding those to your deployment scripts has a huge drawback:

  • it’s unsafe to pass the scripts to a third party like Github

  • you can’t let others review your code without accidentally revealing those

  • you can’t manage which of your colleagues can access development, staging, or production secrets.

batou has a built-in method to store secrets in a secure and flexible fashion: secrets are an encrypted version of the overrides we have already used: they are stored in one file per environment, in the same format as the environment configuration, and they control which of your users have access to them.

To start managing a secret, first add a new override attribute database_password to your component:

components/myapp/ (v5)
from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    database_password = Attribute(str, None)
    sleep = Attribute(int, 1)

    def configure(self):
        self += File('', mode="rwxr-xr-x")
components/myapp/ (v2)
while true; do
  echo "The database password is {{component.database_password}}"
  sleep {{component.sleep}}

Now, to edit the secret, batou provides a set of commands. Let’s edit the secrets file for our production environment:

$ ./batou secrets edit production

This opens up your preferred editor and provides you with a template file:

secrets/production.cfg (decrypted) (v1)
members =

The members option is used to control who the file will be encrypted for – and thus who can decrypt it in the future. You can specify any ID that GnuPG will accept as a key ID, which usually means you use your email address associated with your key.

To get started with GPG, check the GnuPG HOWTOs.

In addition to your own key, you will have to add the IDs of any of your colleagues that should be able to access this file.

Adding the database password works similar to the environment overrides. Our final file then looks like this:

secrets/production.cfg (decrypted) (v2)
members =,

database_password = AfMhV3EDznGbNnzVdxE8

To finish, save the file and exit your editor. batou will be careful not to leave any unencrypted copy of the file around so you do not accidentally check in the unencrypted version.

The encrypted version of the file is now stored in secrets/production.cfg and might look like this:

secrets/production.cfg (encrypted, hexdump -C)
00000000  85 02 0c 03 e4 fa c7 12  8f d9 8a 97 01 0f fe 32  |...............2|
00000010  d0 f7 f2 51 77 b5 89 9c  cb 3f 78 15 94 20 d9 dd  |...Qw....?x.. ..|
00000020  7d c3 52 93 e0 cc c5 09  c8 01 bc 32 11 fc 0c d0  |}.R........2....|
00000030  04 13 09 47 ab 2b e2 f0  12 51 fe 26 23 84 5d d6  |...G.+...Q.&#.].|
00000040  19 28 8f 6b f1 4b dc 39  cb 95 dd 31 52 09 b8 f0  |.(.k.K.9...1R...|
00000050  c8 99 0a 86 d3 f1 28 e6  6a 41 39 45 d3 ae 9a 01  |......(.jA9E....|
00000060  07 22 7b ce 7d b4 7c d5  22 16 11 8a 1d a5 9f cb  |."{.}.|.".......|
00000070  96 50 1e 30 16 ec 45 44  10 c0 73 40 e0 97 23 bf  |.P.0..ED..s@..#.|
00000080  ac b9 ea 46 df c4 67 a4  83 ae 4a 24 e4 6e 13 f9  |...F..g...J$.n..|
00000090  ad 9d 87 07 59 d4 46 0b  53 80 50 c1 e0 1d 79 be  |....Y.F.S.P...y.|
000000a0  53 e5 25 15 de 54 6d 65  be 37 35 81 4d 34 55 35  |S.%..Tme.75.M4U5|
000000b0  3c 08 13 db cf 0e e8 f5  9d fb f2 09 ca 22 f2 97  |<............"..|
000000c0  8d bb bb 7c 6e e4 b9 7a  92 eb 75 08 43 15 f9 07  |...|n..z..u.C...|
000000d0  40 24 a8 8e a1 4d 53 6f  7b fe df 07 d8 89 29 ad  |@$...MSo{.....).|
000000e0  a2 df 0d 40 d4 7e 25 b4  b7 cd e9 e8 71 de ff df  |...@.~%.....q...|
000000f0  b8 0d 4f bd 83 63 c0 02  88 d2 79 48 f6 05 76 66  |..O..c....yH..vf|
00000100  76 b3 44 34 36 74 16 b6  1d f1 c0 38 9a ac 33 e5  |v.D46t.....8..3.|
00000110  99 1c 69 10 45 72 28 8f  f8 b5 e1 71 71 fb 8e 8a  |..i.Er(....qq...|
00000120  e7 13 a4 0d dc 1e 42 f1  82 c6 83 cf a0 d8 ef e9  |......B.........|
00000130  f8 33 0c 8c 10 f8 5a 56  69 47 3f d4 65 57 10 1d  |.3....ZViG?.eW..|
00000140  cb 19 4d 51 68 d5 68 fe  82 c1 4f 7b e9 b9 23 12  |..MQh.h...O{..#.|
00000150  04 41 a0 88 14 85 27 23  86 92 77 62 7a 20 80 74  |.A....'#..wbz .t|
00000160  14 9e c7 e8 82 79 1c 10  04 f5 f4 67 94 b7 3e 8e  |.....y.....g..>.|
00000170  30 95 57 ab 0e 20 fb 4a  1f 10 c2 60 38 63 78 41  |0.W.. .J...`8cxA|
00000180  38 32 0d 48 35 3e b2 d1  19 9e 37 02 26 6f 11 c3  |82.H5>....7.&o..|
00000190  83 8f dd fe 11 12 8b c8  43 96 dd 49 b7 db f1 b7  |........C..I....|
000001a0  e9 09 44 8b 23 0d 71 3e  cc f8 a7 d2 e2 79 65 94  |..D.#.q>|
000001b0  53 36 c6 43 19 df 7d 69  33 cb c0 ab 4c c3 db 7f  |S6.C..}i3...L...|
000001c0  b3 8f a9 35 a6 7d fb 94  6f df 04 37 88 44 a4 df  |...5.}..o..7.D..|
000001d0  66 39 2d 17 f2 a9 57 60  2f 11 10 ff 43 03 58 4c  |f9-...W`/...C.XL|
000001e0  5f bd f1 17 0c e8 c6 60  69 fe 6e 86 65 fa 12 2f  |_......`i.n.e../|
000001f0  12 91 80 9e 5d f7 da df  c0 6c 2a 90 40 94 f0 07  |....]....l*.@...|
00000200  3e a2 d6 07 83 71 28 e0  d3 26 76 51 d6 23 49 d2  |>....q(..&vQ.#I.|
00000210  95 01 24 3c 40 18 2c 05  65 4b c4 4a 86 3f 67 db  |..$<@.,.eK.J.?g.|
00000220  ac 5c e8 3e 49 90 5f f9  66 e5 0f 35 ad e8 99 57  |.\.>I._.f..5...W|
00000230  13 b5 4a b4 59 38 de a0  1c 89 67 e3 2f 3e b1 d8  |..J.Y8....g./>..|
00000240  0b 37 b4 d6 58 ee bf 47  f6 53 64 ed 70 ba 37 f5  |.7..X..G.Sd.p.7.|
00000250  be 56 e0 69 52 18 0e 04  ff e4 2d 05 43 c5 a5 4f  |.V.iR.....-.C..O|
00000260  04 a5 4e a1 d7 c4 5f 65  02 02 5c 29 fe 2c 34 c5  |..N..._e..\).,4.|
00000270  1b 65 4c 88 85 8c 6f ce  15 4e e7 43 2d db fb eb  |.eL...o..N.C-...|
00000280  28 b6 b2 2b b1 cc b2 04  1b bd 17 a5 89 5c fd 3f  |(..+.........\.?|
00000290  c7 bf 60 df 58 8d 41 35  2a 14 9f e5 99 83 a1 97  |..`.X.A5*.......|
000002a0  84 5a 5d ae 83 0e                                 |.Z]...|

Now, deploying this will cause GPG to be invoked on your local machine (there is no need to install GPG on the remote hosts) and transfer the decrypted secrets securely through the SSH connection:

$ ./batou deploy production
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
     You are using rsync. This is a non-verifying repository --
     continuing on your own risk!
main: Loading secrets ...

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Bob Sample <>"
4096-bit RSA key, ID 4DE34B34, created 2013-10-05 (main key ID 4DE34B34)

===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================ Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

$ ssh
$ cat ./deployment/work/tick/
while true; do
  echo "The database password is AfMhV3EDznGbNnzVdxE8"
  sleep 1

If you deal with a growing number of environments and users, you can use the commands batou secrets add and batou secrets remove to manage access for users to multiple or all environments quickly.

Storing additional secrets as separate files

Sometimes the way to store secrets as overrides in an INI-style file is inconvenient: larger amounts of data (think SSL or SSH private keys) or structured data that is hard to embed syntactically correct in the INI format (think YAML).

For that you can split off this data into separate files (you still need to edit the main secrets file to tell batou which keys to encrypt for):

$ ./batou secrets edit production secretdata.yaml

This opens up your preferred editor and provides you with an empty file that you can edit.

secrets/production-secretdata.yaml (decrypted)
  a: 1
  list: 2
  with: 4
  multiple: 5
  dicts: 6

batou keeps the file suffix in the temporary file, so that your editor should be showing you appropriate syntax highlighting.

Whenever you edit one of the secret files of an environment all files will be reencrypted to be sure that they are encrypted with a consistent set of keys.

To use those secret files, you can simply retrieve them from the environment object in your deployment code via the secret_files dict:

components/myapp/ (v5)
from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.file import File

class Tick(Component):

    def configure(self):
        self += File(

Using version control to ensure consistent deployments

Working in a team means that some of your colleagues may be deploying code independent of you. Deploying when a colleague may have deployed last Friday and forgot to push his code can lead to bad things happening …

batou supports integrating with Git or Mercurial to verify the repository integrity on the target systems. This consists of multiple steps:

  1. Ensuring you do not have uncommitted changes and no unpushed commits in your repository.

  2. Shipping changes to the remote servers (either via pulling from a central server or using an export/import mechanism if you server has no access to your central repository).

  3. Switching to an environment-specific branch.

  4. Ensuring the local working copy and the remote working copy are the same.

To leverage those features in batou, you have to select an update method in your environment that is not rsync or rsync-ext. batou supports git-pull, git-bundle, hg-pull and hg-bundle.

Lets use git-bundle for this example:

environments/production/environment.cfg (v1)
connect_method = ssh
update_method = git-bundle
branch = production
host_domain =

test01 = tick

To deploy to production we now end up with the following workflow:

$ git checkout -tb production
$ git merge master
$ ./batou deploy production
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================ Deploying component tick ...
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

Now, if the remote server would have incompatible changes, batou would inform you and refuse to deploy until you clean up the situation:

$ ./batou deploy remote
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
ERROR: LANG=C LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C git bundle create /var/folders/
     Return code: 1

     fatal: Invalid revision range
     error: rev-list died

======================= DEPLOYMENT FAILED ========================


The error message may be cryptic at times, depending on the error situation of your version control system, but you’ll get the gist to look at the repository situation.

Downloading and building software

A typical action that you encounter when configuring software is to download and compile them. This is also known as the “CMMI” method: configure, make, make install.

batou provides a standard library component that subsumes downloading and building standard packages:

from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.cmmi import Build

class Zlib(Component):

  def configure(self):
    self += Build(

Deploying this demonstrates how the build component includes sub-components, which you can also use to perform more fine-grained builds:

$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
localhost: Deploying component zlib ...
   Zlib > Build(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) > Extract(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) >
      Untar(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) > Directory(work/zlib/zlib-1.2.8)
   Zlib > Build(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) > Extract(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) >
   Zlib > Build(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) >
   Zlib > Build(zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz) >
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

Managing Python environments with VirtualEnv and Pip

Installing Python software has some best practices, that involve managing virtual environments, using Pip or zc.buildout. batou provides components that let you manage virtual environments (and automatically update them and keep them in order) for different Python versions.

batou includes pre-defined versions of virtualenv and Pip for the various supported Python versions.

Here is how a component installing Python packages looks like:

components/flask/ (v1)
from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.python import VirtualEnv, Package

class Flask(Component):

    def configure(self):
        venv = VirtualEnv('3.5')
        self += venv

        venv += Package('Flask', version='0.10.1')

Add the “Flask” compoment to your local configuration:

environments/local/environment.cfg (v3)
connect_method = local

localhost = tick, flask

sleep = 10
$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
localhost: Deploying component zlib ...
localhost: Deploying component flask ...
  Flask > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5 >
    VirtualEnvDownload(13.1.2) > Download(
  Flask > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5 >
    VirtualEnvDownload(13.1.2) > Extract(virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz) >
  Flask > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5 > VirtualEnvDownload(13.1.2)
  Flask > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5
  Flask > VirtualEnv(3.5) > Package(Flask==0.10.1)
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================


Due to the work directory separation for each component you can easily manage many different virtual environments with different packages and different Python versions.

Managing Python environments with zc.buildout

If you manage your Python environment with zc.buildout, you can automate that easily as well. Place your buildout.cfg next to your and use the following component:

components/flask/ (v2)
from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.python import VirtualEnv, Package

class Flask(Component):

    def configure(self):
        venv = VirtualEnv('3.5')
        self += venv

        venv += Package('Flask', version='0.10.1')
parts = flask
allow-picked-versions = false
versions = versions

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = Flask

zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3
zc.buildout = 2.5.0
setuptools = 19.6.1
Flask = 0.10.1
itsdangerous = 0.24
Jinja2 = 2.8
Werkzeug = 0.11.3
MarkupSafe = 0.23
$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
localhost: Deploying component flask ...
   Flask > Buildout > File(work/flask/buildout.cfg) >
   Flask > Buildout > File(work/flask/buildout.cfg) >
   Flask > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5
   Flask > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) > Package(setuptools==19.6.1)
   Flask > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) > Package(zc.buildout==2.5.0)
   Flask > Buildout
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================

Registering programs with supervisor

If you’re used to running your programs in supervisor, batou can help you with a pre-made Supervisor component. You can simply enable it by importing it into a component file and registering it with your environment:

from batou.lib.supervisor import Supervisor
environments/local.cfg (v4)
connect_method = local

localhost = tick, supervisor

To make your program run within supervisor, you register it by configuring a program component:

components/myapp/ (v6)
from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.lib.file import File
from batou.lib.supervisor import Program

class Tick(Component):

    sleep = Attribute(int, 1)

    def configure(self):
        self += File('', mode="rwxr-xr-x")
        self += Program('tick', command='')

Deploying it enables supervisor in its own virtualenv and starts the registered program:

$ ./batou deploy local
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `local`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
=================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
=========================== Deploying ============================
localhost: Deploying component supervisor ...
  Supervisor > Buildout > File(work/supervisor/buildout.cfg) >
  Supervisor > Buildout > File(work/supervisor/buildout.cfg) >
  Supervisor > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) > VirtualEnvPy3_5
  Supervisor > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) >
  Supervisor > Buildout > VirtualEnv(3.5) >
  Supervisor > Buildout
  Supervisor > Directory(work/supervisor/etc/supervisor.d)
  Supervisor > File(work/supervisor/etc/supervisord.conf) >
  Supervisor > File(work/supervisor/etc/supervisord.conf) >
  Supervisor > Directory(work/supervisor/var/log)
  Supervisor > RunningSupervisor
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
  Tick > Program(tick) > File(work/supervisor/etc/supervisor.d/tick.conf)
    > Presence(work/supervisor/etc/supervisor.d/tick.conf)
  Tick > Program(tick) > File(work/supervisor/etc/supervisor.d/tick.conf)
    > Content(work/supervisor/etc/supervisor.d/tick.conf)
  Tick > Program(tick)
====================== DEPLOYMENT FINISHED =======================
$ ./work/supervisor/bin/supervisorctl
tick                             RUNNING   pid 30992, uptime 0:01:37
supervisor> ^D

Working with network addresses

Network addresses in batou typically appear in various config files: for clients to find their servers and for servers to configure their bind addresses.

A good practice is to use hostnames when configuring a client, so the IP of the server can be dynamically resolved when connecting. For servers, bind addresses should be configured with IPs because resolvers may not be reachable at the time the server is started and the server may not start reliably under that condition.

batou has a utility object Address that can be used for doing DNS lookups depending on what you’re doing:

>>> from batou.utils import Address
>>> address = Address('localhost', 8080)
>>> str(address.listen)
>>> str(address.connect)

You can also use the Address type for converting overrides automatically:

from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.utils import Address

class MyApp(Component):

    address = Attribute(Address, 'localhost:8080')

To have services talk to each other on different machines, you can use the host attribute of a component to get the name of the host that the component is configured on. Specifically we recommend using host.fqdn, which can be used with the built-in Jinja2 templating:

from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.utils import Address

class MyApp(Component):

    address = Attribute(Address, '{{host.fqdn}}:8080')

    # address is now environment- and host-specific, e.g.:
    # address == Address('', 8080)

To override this attribute in an environment configuration you simply do a regular override using templating:

address = {{host.fqdn}}:9000

or static addresses:

address =

Registering and discovering services

If you deploy your application on multiple hosts, you need to communicate between components what is configured where and how often. For example, to configure a load balancer, you need to see where the application servers are installed.

batou provides an API that allows a component to provide a resource and other components to require a resource. This API has the following features:

  • handling scalars (single values) and list-oriented resources

  • filtering for resources by key and by host

  • warning if provided resources are never used

  • warning if required resources are never provided

  • warning if multiple resources are provided where exactly one is expected

Additionally, batou orders components based on their resource requirements: a component that provides a resource will be deployed before the component requiring it. This has component granularity, so batou may switch deploying components between hosts if that is what the dependencies require.

To provide a resource, you call provide with a key (that you can define as you like.)

from batou.component import Component, Attribute
from batou.utils import Address

class MyApp(Component):

    address = Attribute(Address, '{{host.fqdn}}:8080')

    def configure(self):
        self.provide('application', self.address)

If you call provide from multiple components, then batou will automatically maintain a list of those items.

To get the registered resources for a key, you call require with the key you are interested in:

from batou.component import Component
from batou.lib.file import File

class Loadbalancer(Component):

    def configure(self):
        application_servers = self.require('application')

        self += File('loadbalancer', content='''\
{% for server in component.application_servers %}
server connect={{server.connect}}
{% endfor %}

To filter for resources from the same host as your component and you expect a single value, you can do this:

from batou.component import Component

class Nginx(Component):

    def configure(self):
        varnish = self.require_one('varnish',


You can pick keys as you like, but if you re-used standard components then you may need to consider collisions.

Checking a deployment configuration before running it

If you are ready to deploy something but want to wait until a certain point in time, then you can use -c (aka --consistency-only) with the deployment to see whether the configuration for the target environment is consistent without performing any action. This lets you debug your deployments early in the release cycle:

$ ./batou deploy -c production
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
========================= CHECK FINISHED =========================

If the check fails you get the error message that you would otherwise have gotten when running the deployment for real:

$ ./batou deploy -c production
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
=========================== Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `production`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
===================== Configuring first host =====================
test01: Connecting via ssh (1/1)
ERROR: Overrides for undefined attributes
           Host: test01
      Component: Tick
     Attributes: foobar
ERROR: Unused provided resources
     supervisor: [<Supervisor (test01) "Supervisor">]
ERROR: 1 remaining unconfigured component(s)
================ 3 ERRORS - CONFIGURATION FAILED =================
========================== CHECK FAILED ==========================

Predicting the changes a deployment will cause

In addition to performing a consistency check, you can also perform a prediction which changes would during a deployment. This is more expensive than a pure consistency check, because it connects to all hosts and runs all verify() commands. However, it gives you a rough estimate of the changes that would happen.

$ ./batou deploy tutorial -P
batou/2.0b13.dev0 (cpython 3.7.5-final0, Darwin 19.5.0 x86_64)
============================ Preparing ============================
main: Loading environment `tutorial`...
main: Verifying repository ...
main: Loading secrets ...
====================== Configuring first host =====================
localhost: Connecting via local (1/1)
==================== Connecting remaining hosts ===================
================== Predicting deployment actions ==================
localhost: Deploying component tick ...
     Tick > File(work/tick/ > Content(work/tick/
localhost: Deploying component supervisor ...
================== DEPLOYMENT PREDICTION FINISHED =================

The prediction assumes that an exception during verify() indicates that a previous component that had changes would have performed an action that would trigger the component with a failing verification to perform an update. Under very specific conditions this could also be a real error when deploying, but in most cases this is not true.

batou can not predict all possible changes, especially if you depend on timestamps of files on the disk that are updated due to performing an action (which doesn’t happen when predicting).

Remember, the prediction is intended to give you a rough estimate in which top- level components you can expect changes. There should always be an indicator for some change if a component is affected. After that you can consider the implications, e.g. to determine when would be a good time to run the deployment if you expect downtime.

Updating batou in an existing project

You can update batou to a specific version for your project with a single command:

$ ./batou update --version 1.2
Updating batou to 1.2
See the changelog at

$ git add batou
$ git commit -m 'Update batou to 1.2'

Now, check in the changed batou file and all your colleagues will get the new batou version automatically the next time the pull and run batou.