Advanced Usage ============== Writing a custom component (TODO) --------------------------------- Debugging batou runs -------------------- Using a debugger ++++++++++++++++ ``batou`` comes with `remote-pdb `_ pre-installed. When running on Python 3.7+ [#]_ you can use ``breakpoint()`` to drop into the debugger. You need ``telnet`` or ``netcat`` to connect to the hostname and port displayed. If you are using the default configuration, call:: $ nc -C 4444 or $ telnet 4444 If you are debugging a remote deployment you should create a port forward beforehand like this:: $ ssh -L 4444:localhost:4444 You are able to configure hostname and port. For details see the documentation of `remote-pdb `_. This works both for local and remote deployments. The environment variables for host and port are propagated to the remote host. Example shell session for debugging using a custom port:: $ REMOTE_PDB_PORT=4445 ./batou deploy dev batou/2.3b2.dev0 (cpython 3.6.15-final0, Darwin 20.6.0 x86_64) ============================= Preparing ============================ main: Loading environment `dev`... main: Verifying repository ... main: Loading secrets ... ============================= Connecting ... ======================= localhost: Connecting via local (1/1) ============================= Configuring model ... ================ RemotePdb session open at, waiting for connection ... Example for a second terminal where the opened port gets connected to:: $ nc -C 4445 > /.../components/supervisor/ -> if in ('', ''): (Pdb) Using "print debugging" +++++++++++++++++++++++ * Inside a component you can use ``self.log("output")`` to print to the console. * You can call ``batou`` with the ``-d`` flag to enable debugging output during the deployment run. Using 3rd party libraries within batou -------------------------------------- Sometimes, when writing custom components, you may need additional Python packages, for example to configure databases by connecting directly to their SQL interface instead of using their command line clients. You can use additional Python packages by adding a `requirements.txt` file to your batou project repository: .. code-block:: console $ tree . ├── batou ├── components │   └── myapp │   └── ├── environments │ └── local │ └── environment.cfg └── requirements.txt .. code-block:: text :caption: requirements.txt sqlalchemy The next time when you call batou the dependencies will be automatically updated. When deploying then the requirements will also be installed on the remote hosts. .. code-block:: console $ ./batou Installing sqlalchemy usage: batou [-h] [-d] {deploy,secrets,init,update} ... .. note:: batou already provides a number of packages that it depends on. If you create contradicting requirements then this may lead to batou failing. You will see pip complaining in that case. Multiple components in a single (TODO) --------------------------------------------------- Skipping individual hosts or components when deploying (TODO) ------------------------------------------------------------- Events (TODO) ------------- Using bundle transfers if the repository server is not reachable from your remote server (TODO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeout (TODO) -------------- VFS mapping for development (TODO) ---------------------------------- VFS mapping with explicit rewrite rules (TODO) ---------------------------------------------- Extended service discovery options (TODO) ----------------------------------------- Platform-specific components ---------------------------- *New in version 1.4.* Platform-specific components allow to customize behavior depending on the system or "platform" the target system runs as. Examples: * Production system on Gentoo, local development on Ubuntu, or * All VMs on Ubuntu but Oracle is being run with RedHat. To define a platform specific aspects, you use the `platform` class decorator. Example:: import batou.component import batou.lib.file class Test(batou.component.Component): def configure(self): self += batou.lib.file.File('base-component') @batou.component.platform('nixos', Test) class TestNixos(batou.component.Component): def configure(self): self += batou.lib.file.File('i-am-nixos') @batou.component.platform('ubuntu', Test) class TestUbuntu(batou.component.Component): def configure(self): self += batou.lib.file.File('i-am-ubuntu') The platform is then defined in the environment:: [environment] platform = default-platform [host:nixos] # Host specifc override: platform = nixos components = test [host:ubuntu] # Host specifc override: platform = ubuntu components = test Host-specific data ------------------ *New in version 1.5.* Host-specific data allows to set environment dependent data for a certain *host*. It looks like this in an environment configuration:: [host:myhost00] components = test data-alias = In a component you can access all data attributes via the host's `data` dictionary:: def configure(self): alias =['alias'] The ``data-`` prefix was chosen in resemblance of the `HTML standard `_. DNS overrides ------------- *New in version 1.6* When migrating services automatic DNS lookup of IP addresses to listen on can be cumbersome. You want to deploy the service before the DNS changes become active. This is where DNS overrides can help. The DNS overrides short circuit the resolving completely for the given host names. Example:: [environment] ... [resolver] = ::2 Whenever batou *configuration* (i.e. ``batou.utils.Address``) looks up ```` it will result in the addresses ```` and ``::2``. The overrides support IPv4 and IPv6. You should only set one IP address per type for each host name. .. NOTE:: You *cannot* override the addresses of the configured hosts. The SSH connection will always use genuine name resolving. context manager (TODO) ---------------------- last_updated (TODO) ------------------- prepare, ``|=``, ``component._`` (TODO) --------------------------------------- workdir overriding (TODO) ------------------------- Importing components from a different -------------------------------------------------- The component configuration in the ``./components`` folder is not a Python package: it has no ```` and should not have one. That's why is not possible import a component into another one:: # This will not work from components.nginx.component import MyAddress In some rare circumstances it *might* be necessary to have this kind of import. There are two options: 1. Import from ``batou.c``. 2. Create an extension module which can be imported. Import from ``batou.c`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ There is a special module ``batou.c`` which is dynamically populated with all the classes in all ```` files. Given the following tree: .. code-block:: console $ tree . ├── batou ├── components │   └── myapp │   └── │   └── myconfig │   └── ├── environments │ └── local │ └── environment.cfg ├── requirements.lock └── requirements.txt If ``myconfig/`` looks like this: .. code-block:: python from batou.component import Component class MyAddress(Component): """Some custom address.""" ipv4 = "" ``myapp/`` could import ``MyAddress`` like this: .. code-block:: python from batou.component import Component import batou.c class MyApp(Component): """Some custom address.""" def configure(self): """Configure MyApp.""" self.address = batou.c.myconfig.MyAddress(ipv4="") self += self.address self.ip = self.address.ipv4 This way, importing is only possible and reasonable inside methods of the component, which are executed after initial configuration such as ``configure ()``. It cannot be used to create an attribute on a class or import a base class for the current component file. .. caution:: The components are loaded alphabetically, which can be an issue for the import. Create an extension module ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another option to share code between different component files is to create a custom extension module. This can either be a separate repository like `batou_ext `_ or `batou_scm `_ but for a light weight start it can be included in the deployment repository. Have a look at the ```` and other files for inspiration. .. code-block:: console $ tree . ├── batou ├── batou_myapp │   ├── │   └── src │    └── batou_myapp │    └── ├── components │   └── myapp │   └── ├── environments │ └── local │ └── environment.cfg ├── requirements.lock └── requirements.txt .. code-block:: python # batou_myapp/src/batou_myapp/ from batou.component import Component class MyAddress(Component): """Some custom address.""" ipv4 = "" class MyAppBase(Component): """Base component for all apps.""" .. code-block:: python # myapp/ from batou.component import Component from batou_myapp.utils import MyAppBase from batou_myapp.utils import MyAddress class MyApp(MyAppBase): """Some custom address.""" address = MyAddress(ipv4="") def configure(self): """Configure MyApp.""" self.ip = self.address.ipv4 The ``requirements.txt`` has to be adapted to include the new extension module as requirement to be installed directly from source. .. code-block:: cfg # requirements.txt batou==2.3b2 -e ./batou_myapp .. [#] On Python 3.6 you have to use ``from remote_pdb import set_trace; set_trace()``.