Managing services ----------------- Aside from using batou's general purpose functions for creating files and running commands we have a few ready-to-use abilities for higher level service management. Supervisor (TODO) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our built-in supervisor component allows you to run a supervisor process within your service user and has a simple API for declaring components that want to integrate with the supervisor config. The supervisor itself will be integrated into the system's startup automatically, depending on your platform. SystemD ~~~~~~~ .. note:: SystemD is a non-core component provided through the `batou_ext` package. Alternatively to using Supervisor you can register each program as a system-wide service managed by SystemD. You can also specify custom configuration in addition to (or overriding) the defaults: .. code-block:: python from batou.component import Component from batou.lib.file import File from batou.lib.service import Service import batou_ext.nix class Tick(Component): def configure(self): self += File('', mode=0755) self += Service('', systemd=dict(Type='Simple', Unit_After='cron.service memcached.service', Service_RestartSec=11)) This will result in the following unit file: .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/local/systemd/tick.service [Service] Environment="LOCALE_ARCHIVE=/run/current-system/sw/lib/locale/locale-archive" Environment=PATH=/home/ctheune/bin:/var/setuid-wrappers:/home/ctheune/.nix-profile/bin:/home/ctheune/.nix-profile/sbin:/home/ctheune/.nix-profile/lib/kde4/libexec:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/sbin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/kde4/libexec:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/run/current-system/sw/sbin:/run/current-system/sw/lib/kde4/libexec Environment="TZDIR=/etc/zoneinfo" ExecStart=/home/ctheune/deployment/work/tick/ start Group=service LimitNOFILE=64000 LimitNPROC=64173 LimitSIGPENDING=64173 RestartSec=11 Type=Simple User=ctheune [Unit] After=cron.service memcached.service If you want to leverage SystemD's ability to repeat a key in the configuration (like using multiple ExecStart statements) then you can simply pass that key as a list. This will be automatically expanded into multiple lines: .. code-block:: python systemd=dict(Type='Simple', ExecStart=['command1', 'command2']) .. code-block:: ini [Service] ... ExecStart=/home/ctheune/deployment/work/tick/command1 ExecStart=/home/ctheune/deployment/work/tick/command2 ... .. note:: The SystemD support is currently geared towards the NixOS-based environment provided by us on our Flying Circus platform. We're happy to extend and generalise this module upon request.