Managing files and directories ------------------------------ Files and Templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The File component has been developed with `Puppet`_'s file type in mind. It accepts a very similar parameter set and has almost identical features. You can use it to manage files, directories, and symlinks, and you can specify content (literally or as Jinja templates). You can also manage the Unix attributes and control whether leading directories should be managed or not. .. _`Puppet`: The most basic usage is simply: .. code-block:: python self += File('myfile') This example creates a file at ``work/mycomponent/myfile``, taking the contents from a file of the same name in the component's directory (i.e. ``components/mycomponent/myfile``). By default, the source file is run through Jinja, with the file's parent component made available as ``component``. .. py:class:: batou.lib.File(path) Creates a file. The main parameter for File is the target path. A ``File`` instance has an attribute ``path`` containing the full, absolute path to the resulting file. ``File`` accepts the following additional parameters: .. py:attribute:: source Filename of the source file to be used as the File's content (absolute path or relative to the component's directory). [Default: same as target path] .. py:attribute:: content Literal file contents as a string. .. py:attribute:: is_template Process file contents as Jinja template. [Default: True] .. py:attribute:: template_context Object to make available as ``component`` to the Jinja template. [Default: File's parent component] .. py:attribute:: template_args Dict of additional arguments to make available to the Jinja template. .. py:attribute:: encoding Encoding for the file contents [Default: utf-8] .. py:attribute:: owner Unix owner username. .. py:attribute:: group Unix group name. .. py:attribute:: mode Unix permission mode (octal number, e.g. 0o755) .. py:attribute:: leading Create leading directories that were given in the target ``path``. [Default: False] .. py:attribute:: ensure Type of object to be created: 'file', 'directory', or 'symlink'. This is useful for complex situations (e.g. creating a symlink with special ownership), for simple situations it's probably more readable to use :py:class:`Directory` or :py:class:`Symlink`. .. py:attribute:: link_to Source of symlink (for :py:attr:`ensure` = 'symlink') .. py:class:: batou.lib.BinaryFile(path) Subclass of batou.lib.File. Creates a non-template binary file. .. _file-directory: Directories ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: batou.lib.file.Directory(path) Creates a directory. The main parameter is the target path. .. py:attribute:: source Path to a source directory whose contents are to be synchronized to the target path (uses rsync internally). .. py:attribute:: exclude List of file names or patterns that should **not** be synchronized to the target path (passed to rsync as ``--exclude`` argument, see the `rsync documentation`_ for details). .. _`rsync documentation`: .. py:class:: Symlink(target, source) Creates a symlink at ``target`` by linking to ``source``. Removing files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Removal of obsolete things is a difficult topic in the convergence paradigm. If in the past we created a file ``foo``, but now it is not used anymore, the code that originally said, "please manage ``foo``", will not be there anymore. This means that nobody knows that the file ``foo`` that is still lying around on the production system is not actually in use anymore. In most cases, a few stray files do not matter, but in case they do, the deployment code has to explicitly state that something should **not** be present anymore. .. py:class:: batou.lib.file.Purge(pattern) Ensures that a set of files (given as a glob pattern) does not exist. .. _file-extract: Extracting archive files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ batou can extract archive files in Tar, Zip, and DMG (on OSX target machines) format: .. py:class:: batou.lib.archive.Extract(archive) The main parameter is the archive filename (relative to the component's directory). The archive format is determined according to the file name extension ('.tar', '.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar.xz' use ``tar``, '.zip' uses ``unzip`` and '.dmg' uses ``hdiutil``). The following additional parameters are supported: .. py:attribute:: target Target directory to extract the archive into. Directory is created if it does not exist (compare :py:attr:`create_target_dir`). [Default: base name of the archive file] .. py:attribute:: create_target_dir Extract into the directory given in :py:attr:`target`. Set to False to extract directly into the work directory. [Default: True] .. py:attribute:: strip Only for tar archives: number of directories contained in the archive to strip off (see the `tar documentation`_ for details) [Default: 0] .. _`tar documentation`: VFS mapping (TODO) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XXX writeme