Environment configuration ========================= Component assignment (TODO) --------------------------- General parameters (TODO) ------------------------- General environment parameters are set in the ``[environment]`` config section. Example:: [environment] service_user = website host_domain = gocept.net platform = gocept branch = production service_user The deployment is run as this user on remote machines. If this is not the same as the user connecting via ssh, a `sudo` to the service user is performed. host_domain All hosts in the ``[hosts]`` section are postfixed with this domain. This is handy do make the host/component assignment less verbose update_method `hg-bundle|hg-pull|git-bundle|git-pull|rsync|rsync-ext`, sets how the remote deployment repository is updated. * `pull`, the default, uses `hg/git clone` and/or `hg/git pull` on the remote site. * `bundle` will copy the necessary changes as Mercurial/Git bundle, via the batou ssh link. * `rsync` will rsync the *working copy*. This is most useful in combination with the vagrant platform. * `rsync-ext` is the same as `rsync`, except that it calls an external rsync binary instead of using the emulation in the Python `execnet` library. This is a drop-in replacement for `rsync`, with the exception that it handles deletion of files in the remote copy of the repository which no longer exist in the local copy. branch For remote deployments, use this and only this branch. batou will complain if the local branch does not match the set branch in the environment. platform Set the platform for this environment. timeout Set the ssh connection timeout in seconds. target_directory Absolute path of the directory on remote machines where the remote deployment repository is stored. Supports tilde expansion. Default: ``~/deployment``. require_sudo Override the automatic detection of whether `sudo` is required to run processes as the service user. If set to `True` then `sudo` will always be used unconditionally. If set to `False` then `sudo` will never be used. vfs mapping (TODO) ------------------ Root-component attribute overrides (TODO) ------------------------------------------